Getting Started Guide

We've prepared a video and article to help guide you through your initial usage of Project Central:

Plan a Project

Your project management journey with Project Central begins with three major activities: accessing Project Central, initiating a project, and then planning the tasks, steps, and resourcing for the project together with your team. 

Access Project Central

Project Central can be accessed at, and when prompted, enter the same work email credentials that you use to access your organization's Microsoft 365 environment - no need to remember a separate username and password just to get your project day started. Since Project Central is a safe and secure environment that uses your existing Microsoft 365 tenant, the first time you access Project Central you'll be presented with a permission request. Depending on how your organization's infrastructure is setup, you may need the assistance of one of your IT colleagues with the first login. See Access Project Central.

Initiate a Project

Once you've logged in successfully, you will have the option to create a brand new, clean project, or to create a project based on a template that's been conveniently supplied with the product. See Initiate a Project

Plan a Project

You're now at the final stage of planning out your project, prior to hitting the ground running. You and your team will appreciate the thoughtfulness that went into this project stage as it allows for true collaboration among team members, and leads to a realistic path towards project completion success. See Plan a Project.

Manage a Project

Ready to see the fruits of all your planning labor? Let's move on to managing a project where you'll work on the execution stage of the project with your team, track and make some adjustments to the project plan, and finally close out the project.

Collaborate as a Project Team

Collaboration is the name of the game when it comes to a successful (and enjoyable) project experience. With the collaboration elements built right into Project Central, you can share files, comments, status updates, and a whole lot more with your colleagues. See Collaborate as a Project Team.

Track and Adjust a Project

Now it's time to track progress of all the tasks going on throughout your project, with attributes such as task overall status, percent complete, and task comments. As you're tracking all this info, you may very well determine that adjustments need to be made; even the best thought out plan needs tweaking along the way. Project Central makes it easy to do just that, as well as viewing all the wonderful progress through our dashboards and reports. See Track and Adjust a Project

Close Project

On to closing the project, when you show the world what true project management heroes you and your team are. Just a few more steps to take before wrapping things up completely. See Close Project.

Manage Across Projects

Manage Across Tasks

Wouldn't it be great if you had a one-stop place to go to view all of the tasks assigned to you, across all the projects you're contributing to? Project Central has you covered with our account My Tasks report where you can easily view all of your open and closed tasks. See Manage Across Tasks.

Manage Across Projects

You'd probably also appreciate one place to go to see all the high-level info about the projects themselves - no problem. With our account project dashboard pages you can conveniently see an overview of the health of your projects, which deadlines are approaching, recent updates, and important metric data about each project. See Manage Across Projects.

Manage Across Accounts

Project Central allows you to establish more than one Account, and within each you have the flexibility to configure the all important areas of notifications, templates, users, your profile, and more. See Manage Across Accounts.

We're Here to Support You!

Choose a time that works best for you and arrange a call with our Customer Success Team, send an email to, or use our in-app chat in the corner of the app screen.

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