Navigating Project Central

Top Navigation Bar

At the very top of the Project Central screen you'll find the Top Navigation Bar icons, not specific to any one project, but rather settings that relate to all projects in the account:


mceclip0.png Home screen with Projects Overview

mceclip1.png The cards icon will take you to the Projects screen where you can choose which project to dive into

mceclip2.png My Tasks will show you all open tasks assigned to you across all projects

mceclip3.png The settings gear will take you to account settings options for accounts, users, templates, notifications, tags, and your own personal profile

Project Navigation Bar

When you are within a specific project, you'll find a series of options towards the top of that project's screen:


Dashboard: Think of the Dashboard as command central for the project, where you will find start and end dates, project status information, project team members, and project tags.

Tasks: All the tasks that have been created for the project, optionally organized in sections.

Board: The Board page displays the project's tasks in a card view (instead of the traditional list view). 

Gantt: If you'd like to see your tasks laid out in a calendar view, use the Gantt page.

Files: The files page is a one-stop location for links to project assets such as documents and images. 

Activity: Activity will show you a running history of various project related items such as status comments, start/end date changes, and files. 

Options: On the Options page you can change notification settings, save the current project as a reusable template, set the project to be private, and delete the project.

You can exit most dialogs by clicking away, using the Esc key, or the clicking the Close button.

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