Manage Across Projects

When you have many projects on the go, you and the team will want insights to manage across the many tasks and projects in your portfolio of projects.


Manage Across Tasks
Manage My Tasks There's no need to click into every single project to see all the tasks that are assigned to you. The My Tasks reporting page makes it easy to see all of your tasks, no matter which project they may reside in. To manage all...
Manage Across Projects
Cross-project reporting provides an easy way to view high level status information on one screen from across all of your projects. And you have options including sorting and filtering that makes the job of reporting across all of your projects si...
Manage Across Accounts
Manage Accounts Project Central allows the setup of different Accounts, each of which could have many projects within them; this lets you keep sets of projects very separate. For example, Sales, Marketing, and HR can each have their own accou...
(Exercise) Manage Across Projects
Review the options from these two sections, Manage Across Tasks - and - Manage Across Projects , to identify practices that you think would be helpful for you and your team to manage across multiple projects. As before, feel free to select as ma...